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Can't Sleep, Inc. presents sExtOrtiOn by Patrick Thomas McCarthy

Can't Sleep, Inc. presents sExtOrtiOn by Patrick Thomas McCarthy


Tuesday, November 30, -0001 - 12:00am

Directed by choreographer, Christopher Caines

Can't Sleep, Inc. presents
sExtOrtiOn by Patrick Thomas McCarthy 
Directed by Christopher Caines
Music by Ethan Gold
Projections design by Katherine Hammond
Fight direction by Galway McCullough (combatinc.com)
At the ALL OUT ARTS Fresh Fruit Festival, 
at The Wild Project, 195 E. 3rd St @ Ave. B 
(near Ave. B and Houston St.; F train to 2nd Ave.) 
Monday, July 8, 7pm; Tuesday, July 9, 9pm; Sunday, July 14, 2pm
Tickets: 8 click HERE

Joshua Warr and Justin Garascia in rehearsal for SEXTORTION
The Wild Project theater is beautiful but capacity is restricted and some shows are already selling out. I highlyrecommend advance purchase:  
click HERE.


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