CaptiveFlow Dance needs high caliber dancers (MALE AND FEMALE)
CaptiveFlow Dance
Photo: Nathan Patrick
CaptiveFlow Dance is a brand new by-project company directed by A.J. Pflumm. Utilizing a blend of release technique, contemporary modern, and mimetic forms, CaptiveFlow Dance embraces the inner workings of the self and its role within the context of the whole with each work.
We are looking for 6-8 dancers who are proficient in modern/contemporary dance, have a great sense of intention and purpose within movement, and are comfortable with intimate (sometimes same sex) partnering and floorwork. Dancers must be professional, kinesthetically aware, and should at least be college aged. Males and females both are encouraged to apply as gender ratio does not matter much. We are also looking for a male and female dancer who would be comfortable performing with foam latex prosthetics.
Rehearsals will be held Mondays and Fridays, probably in the mornings or evenings. Morning rehearsals during the week may also be added as needed. Performances are Oct. 29th and 30th at Players Theatre. Rehearsals are unpaid, but a small performance stipend is available.
Auditions are Aug 7th, 2015 from 10AM to 1PM at DANY (38th St. and 8th Ave). To apply, dancers must send a CV/resume and a recent demo reel or performance reel to If you are unable to make it to the audition, you may still submit your materials along with a paragraph detailing your rehearsal and performance philosophies and habits.