Catherine Coury || The Playground NYC
Catherine Coury
Thursday, 4/16
1:00pm EST
Pay what you can basis
Venue: Online
Registered participants will be emailed a link to the class 15 minutes prior to the start.
The Playground NYC, in partnership with Gibney, is offering Online Studio, digital dance space. Join us, wherever you are for LIVE online classes with teaching artists in New York City and around the world. Let’s keep moving together and finding new ways to connect. Classes are open to movers of all levels!
Classes will be streamed live via ZOOM. Participants must pre-register for class and create a (free) ZOOM account to join. Registration will close 20 minutes before the class time. Fifteen minutes before class, you will receive an email with the ZOOM link.
Let’s dance it out! Community Strong.
Class Description:
Class will be a continuous movement research led by vocal and visual cues that reflect the company class of Marcat Dance. The class is influenced and inspired by current research and prior training.
Catherine Coury is an American artist living in Andalusia, Spain. She is the co-founder of Marcat Dance alongside choreographer Mario Bermudez Gil, as well as a Gaga Teacher (Movement language of Ohad Naharin) and Ilan Lev Practitioner. In 2019 Catherine was awarded “Best Dancer” from Certamen Coreografico Distrito de Tetuan, Madrid. Dedicated to dance education, Catherine frequently teaches at conservatories, universities, and companies around the world and in 2019 launched the first ever Study Abroad Program for the University of Michigan (USA) in Spain in partnership with Marcat Dance. Prior to Marcat Dance, Catherine was a freelance dancer for Shen Wei Dance Arts and Shannon Gillen. As a dance administrator, Catherine played an integral role in the development of Gallim Dance and The Playground NYC. A native of Detroit, Michigan, Catherine received her BFA from the University of Michigan.
Photo Credit: Mamen B Gil