"Chang(e)" by Soomi Kim

Soomi Kim
Photo by Kendall Whitehouse
Work in progress performance of "Chang(e)" at the Asian Arts Initiative in Phildelphia Dec. 6th, 2012.
Show Description
Fighting for global social transformation, performance artist and activist Kathy Change (formerly Kathleen Chang) was on a mission to save the world from disaster. As a final act of protest, she self-immolated on the campus of UPenn in October 1996. Chang(e) is a live-staged biographical docudrama that slips between reality and fantasy, plunging viewers inside the mind of Kathy Change. Through a phantasmagorical blend of dance, text (interview and performance transcriptions and Change's own writings), video and original score, Change’s prescient defiance comes to life in this real life account of a modern day "Cassandra."
Conceived and Performed by: Soomi Kim
Directed by: Suzi Takahashi
Composed by: Adam Rogers
Set by: Bryce Cutler
Video by: Kevan Loney
Lights by: Lucrecia Briceno
Costumes by: Machine Dazzle
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Nov 4- 22
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