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Chevalier Ballet Summer Intensive and Conservatory Auditions

Chevalier Ballet Summer Intensive and Conservatory Auditions


Chevalier Ballet Company NYC


Battery Dance NYC
380 Broadway, Floor 5
New York, NY 10013


Monday, January 30, 2023 - 10:00am
Monday, March 6, 2023 - 10:00am



Chevalier Ballet Company NYC

Looking for a summer training program where you can work with world class teaching artists in a small group setting and receive personalized caring instruction? Come study with the Chevalier Ballet Conservatory (formerly known as SLK Ballet)! CBC summer intensives offer a unique opportunity to study at a professional level in a workshop setting.


Florida Summer Intensive

5-16 June, 2023

4h/day, 5 days a week — $600/week

Ages 15-23

The HARID Conservatory

2285 Potomac Road

Boca Raton, FL  33431

1 week: $650

2 Weeks: $1200

New York Summer Intensive 

14-28 August, 2023

Ages 15-23
SLK Ballet School

380 Broadway

NY,  NY 10013

1 Week: $700

2 Weeks: $1300


Dancers may audition for the Summer Intensive(s) by:

Attending one of our NYC or Midwest audition dates.  Our auditions in NYC will be at the Battery Dance studios on January 30th and March 6th, 2023


Faculty include CBC full-time staff and renowned guest teachers. Dancers in the summer programs will be considered for Chevalier Ballet company member and trainee positions for the upcoming season, and for acceptance into the Chevalier Ballet Conservatory. Audition and housing information available upon request. 

Email info@chevalierballet.com for more information.

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