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Chez Bushwick Presents "Fluxus Variations in Time and Space" (EXIT 1 & 2) by Compagnie Ghislain Roussel

Chez Bushwick Presents "Fluxus Variations in Time and Space" (EXIT 1 & 2) by Compagnie Ghislain Roussel


Chez Bushwick


CPR – Center for Performance Research
361 Manhattan Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11211
Brooklyn, NY 11211


Thursday, October 22, 2015 - 7:30pm
Friday, October 23, 2015 - 7:30pm



Chez Bushwick

This piece is devoted to Fluxus and conceived as an homage to iconic American cellist of the 1970s & 1980s Charlotte Moorman.
In the verge of fiction and reality this project questions the way art, life, time and space are perceived and influenced by the audience during the performance.

With Stéphane Ghislain Roussel & Julie Läderach from Luxembourg

$12 presales and $15 at the door
Special discount for Chez Bushwick friends
Enter code "cbartist" for a $7 ticket


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