Choreographic Opportunity in London with Boston Touring Group
Boston Touring Group
Apply to share your work in London with the Boston Touring Group!
Compensation: Selected mid-career artist will receive a Production Grant to share a split bill with the Boston Touring Group at Chisenhale Dance Space ( in London. Selected artist will also receive 15 hours of subsidized rehearsal space rental at Green Street Studios in Cambridge, MA. Note: selected artists will be expected to cover the costs of their own travel and accommodation (Plane tickets are about $600 currently and lodging varies from $60-$150 per day). Companies should budget accordingly.
Important Dates: Performances to take place in London on November 11 & 12. Submission deadline Oct 8
Contact: Jessie Jeanne Stinnett. Programmer, Green Street Studios.
The submission period of applications to share a split bill with the Boston Touring Group in London, England to be held at Chisenhale Dance Space is now open.
The Boston Touring Group is a dance collective, comprised of two Boston-based dance companies and one Providence-based company:
Kat Nasti Dance (Kat Nasti & Paul Laurey)
Jessie Jeanne and Dancers (Jessie Jeanne Stinnett)
Doppelgänger Dance Collective (Danielle Davidson & Shura Baryshnikov)
Kat, Jessie, Paul, Danielle, and Shura seek one more dance artist to join a split-bill in London as guest choreographer. The program has one slot remaining for a solo or duet. Preference will be given to those choreographers who already have a completed work.
The Boston Touring Group is a grassroots initiative that is propelled by a mutual desire to share professional performance work internationally. Emphasizing the values of rigour, research, athleticism, and relevance, the Boston Touring Group seeks a like-minded, mid-career artist with a passion for international adventure, and cross-cultural artistic exchange.
Applications must include:
1. a company and choreographer bio
2. video of the piece to be presented in London (video link please)
3. CV
4. a short statement about how this opportunity would impact the artist and or company’s current career trajectory
5. application fee of $20 paid to Green Street Studios, 185 Green Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
The Boston Touring Group’s London performance is made possible with generous support from the James K Spriggs Foundation.