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CounterPointe10 Call for Choreographers (DEADLINE: DEC 10)

CounterPointe10 Call for Choreographers (DEADLINE: DEC 10)


Norte Maar for Collaborative Projects in the Arts


The Mark O'Donnell Theater at The Entertainment Community Fund
160 Schermerhorn St
Brooklyn, NY 11201


Sunday, December 4, 2022 - 12:00am daily through December 10, 2022



Norte Maar for Collaborative Projects in the Arts

Norte Maar announces a call for choreographers for its 10th annual season of CounterPointe: new work by women choreographers and their collaborations with women artists.

Performances are March 24-26, 2023 in The Mark O'Donnell Theater at the Entertainment Community Fund in Brooklyn. We are interested in producing a program which represents the diversity of NYC--there is no house style, though the pointe shoe must be part of the work. Interested choreographers should be based in the NYC-metro area, have experience of presenting work, and be committed to collaborating with a visual artist. If selected Norte Maar will curate and connect you with a collaborator.

You will have approximately 2 months to create a new work together. Choreographers and artists each receive a $500 fee.
To apply:

Email a brief cover letter addressing your interest in collaboration and links to recent choreography. Include a link to a work for stage, this will not be a virtual program. Please also include a link to work on pointe or express why you are interested and capable of working with pointe. Deadline for receipt of submissions: December 10, 2022.

Email nortemaar@gmail.com (Please do not email video attachments. Selections will be made on a first come / first served basis) 
Additional details: Choreographers are responsible for selection and rehearsal of their own dancers. These new commissioned works shall not have been presented in the NYC/metro area within 2 months before or 2 months after the CounterPointe program.

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