Crossing Boundaries

Gwen Rakotovao Company
Crossing Boundaries
Saturday, November 26 at 7:30pm
Dixon Place
161 Chrystie St, New York, NY 10002
Tickets: advance general admission $12, at the door $15, student/senior $10.
To purchase tickets visit
Featuring choreography by: Alison Clancy, Emily Faulkner, Lindsay Gilmour, Rebecca Lloyd-Jones, Gwen Rakotovao
Performance includes:
Equal’s world premiere.
Choreography: Gwen Rakotovao
Dancers: Jonathan Breton, Yuki Fukui, Mersiha Mesihovic, Charlotte Person, Gwen Rakotovao, Oscar Santana, Sammy Wong.
In numerology the year 2013 corresponds to the number 6, a journey of responsability, relationship, balance, love and healing. A year of re-inventing.
Nowadays because of the advanced technology we are all connected together. If something happens in Japan the entire world will know about it in the next seconds. Once upon a time history connected us and built the cultures and society we are living in. Consider how World War I and II affected all the countries of the world and ended up by connecting people. In this dance piece created in 2013, Rakotovao wanted to express the connection between cultures and human beings with a message of hope that one day this connection will allow healing the gaps between generations, genders, judgments and individuals.