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DCA News: Parks Scholarship Applications Due 5/1‏

DCA News: Parks Scholarship Applications Due 5/1‏


Dance Critics Association


New York


Thursday, May 1, 2014 - 8:00pm
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 - 8:00pm

Dance Critics Association

DCA Now Accepting Applications for 2014 Gary Parks Scholarship

The Dance Critics Association is pleased to offer the 2014 Gary Parks Scholarships, named for the late, well-loved reviews editor for Dance Magazine. His position there made him a point of contact for dance writers around the world, and a friend and mentor to many people in the field. This scholarship, to the DCA annual conference, is designed to encourage that same sense of collegiality.

The deadline for submitting applications is May 1.

This year the DCA will offer two scholarships of $250 for emerging or experienced writers to attend the annual conference in Philadelphia, June 12-15, 2014. (DCA will make fewer awards if criteria are not met.)

The Emerging Writers’ scholarship is designated for a critic with less than three years of professional experience. The scholarship includes complimentary admission to the entire conference and up to $250 to cover travel and lodging expenses. It is hoped that offering an opportunity to interact with established colleagues in the field, both formally and informally, will be of benefit. The recipient will be required to attend and complete writing assignments for the Kamikaze Workshop. Additionally, the recipient will be required to attend the entire conference and write an article detailing an aspect of the conference for the DCA News, topics and deadlines to be negotiated with the editor.
The Experienced Writer's scholarship was established to support critics who, because of great distance from the conference site or challenging financial reasons (freelance writer or staffer with no financial support from publication), could not otherwise attend the conference. The recipient of the Experienced Writer’s scholarship will be expected to attend all conference events and panels and report on an agreed upon topic for the DCA News, deadlines to be negotiated with the editor.


To apply:

All applicants must submit three published reviews or critical essays, along with a cover letter. The cover letter should specify which scholarship – emerging or experienced –is being requested, state professional qualifications and discuss why the applicant feels that he or she would benefit from attending the DCA conference. Any special circumstances that you feel are relevant should also be addressed, including financial need, the fact that the applicant specializes in a particular form of criticism or that English is the critic’s second language.

Submit materials via email to: aliduffy22@yahoo.com. The emerging writers’ scholarship will be awarded on a competitive basis. The experienced writers’ fellowship will be awarded via a lottery. Deadline for receiving applications is Thursday, May 1, 2014. Applicants will be notified by May 18, 2014 in time to make arrangements to attend the conference. Questions? Email: aliduffy22@yahoo.com.

The Gary Parks Scholarship exists with the generous support of the critical community. If you would like to help us extend this opportunity to our colleagues in the field, please seriously consider a tax-deductible contribution to the Gary Parks Scholarship Fund. Send your contribution, marked “Gary Parks” in the memo line to: DCA, POB 1882 Old Chelsea Station, New York, NY 10013.

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