DMAC presents MADboots dance

MADboots dance co.
The Duo Multicultural Arts Center (DMAC) presents MADboots dance co. in the culmination of an eight-week creative residency on May 3rd + 4th, 2013. The company's double bill will include the World Premiere of blue and the NYC Premiere of ALL GOOD SONS (2012).
WHEN: May 3rd + 4th, 2013 | 8:00PM
WHERE: DMAC 62 East 4th Street
HOW: Loosely inspired by Picasso’s Blue Period and Joan Miró’s triptych Bleu, blue is a highly physical dream space free of ration and order. This world is somber and austere, all the while wild and sentimental.
Blue is the sky, the sea, a god’s eye, a devil’s tail, a birth, a strangulation, a virgin’s cloak, a monkey’s ass. It’s a butterfly, a bird, a spicy joke, the saddest song, the brightest day.
-Christopher Moore, Sacré Bleu
MADboots dance co.
jonathan campbell + austin diaz
co-artistic directors
ALL GOOD SONS was supported in part by the Inception to Exhibition 2012 Space Grant. Creative support was also provided in part by Gibney Dance Center's boo-koo round 4 space grant.