Dance Block SHARE -- a salon style gathering for dancemakers

Fourth Arts Block - Dance Block Program
FABnyc's Dance Block pairs up with University Settlement's Performance Project to bring you the fall Dance Block SHARE -- a salon style gathering for dancemakers to show and share their work!
Date: Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2015
Time: 7-9pm
Refreshments provided & cookies by Insomnia Cookies
This fall's Salon/SHAREconcept is... MOVE IN PLACE
The Lower East Side is still one of the most culturally vital and diverse neighborhoods in the world! Join us for an evening of dance made in the LES, with support from FABnyc and University Settlement. Meet, mingle, and explore “How does making work in the LES inform our process and shape what we produce?”
The Vanessa Long Dance Company
Talli Jackson
Same As Sister - S.A.S
NYMC (New Youth movement Collective)
Candace Thompson & Nehemoyia Young
Sydnie L. Mosley Dances
SHARE! is University Settlement's bimonthly performance salon that honors artists at every stage of development on one equal platform. Engage with dynamic and diverse performers sharing their art and hearts. Experience the power we gain from exchanging our talents and expanding our community.
FABnyc's Dance Block Program works with dance companies and theaters in the Fourth Arts Block neighborhood to make low cost rehearsal space available to dance makers by centralizing booking during underutilized times. The program aims to build a network of dance makers who are connected through their creative use of studio spaces and fueled by the collective energy of the local arts district.
Photo: Vanessa Long Dance Co., DTA Studio, Dance Block, 2015