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DanceDrama Open Rehearsal

DanceDrama Open Rehearsal


Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama


Gibney Dance Center, 280 Broadway (Studio E), New York NY


Friday, May 22, 2015 - 7:30pm



Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama

I’m thrilled to invite you to an OPEN REHEARSAL of "In Pursuit of Happiness"

on Friday, May 22 at 7:30pm at Gibney Dance Center (280 Broadway -Entrance at 53A Chambers Street, New York City) Studio E.

Because there is limited seating, please RSVP by email: info@anabellalenzu.com

Hope you can make it!

A hug, Anabella


What does it mean to disappear? In Pursuit is a work which explores the themes of death, memory, disappearance, and hope through a collage of juxtapositions. Through this fragmented approach I hope to piece together for myself the experience of losing my father. Although the jarring images and disruptive use of many media may initially seem to yield no cohesion, unification comes from the use of these diverse media.

In Pursuit is a powerful combination of dance, theater, props, photo projections, video, and also a theoretical exploration of existence. Jean Cocteaus once said, “if you want to see death, just keep looking in the mirror.” I will be working with dancer, Lauren Ohmer, acting and voice coach, Daniel Pettrow (Wooster Group), and music landscape designer Todd Carroll (School of Visual Arts).


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