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DanceDrama Summer Workshop: Methodology of Teaching Dance

DanceDrama Summer Workshop: Methodology of Teaching Dance


Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama


Center for Performance Research (CPR), 361 Manhattan Avenue Unit 1 Brooklyn, New York 11211


Saturday, June 13, 2015 - 11:00am
Sunday, June 14, 2015 - 11:00am



Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama

DANCEDRAMA Summer Workshops

Methodology of Teaching Dance: (Learn how to teach Dance)
(June 13 & 14 from 11-3pm at Center for Performance Research

Faculty: Anabella Lenzu


Learn how teach dance and provide a comprehensive dance education. This Laboratory is for artists and educators of all dance disciplines who want to learn how to increase their students’ creative ability by providing organized lesson plans aimed at solving educational problems using methodological tools of analysis. Promote artistic education and enhance the social and cultural community. Dance is a profound exploration of life. We must improve

Expand your craft, technique and creativity in a personalized, tailored program.

Class size is limited to 10 students per workshop.

TO APPLY: Send resume to info@AnabellaLenzu.com
*Please designate which month you are interested in.
To Register: http://www.AnabellaLenzu.com/workshops

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