DanceDrama Workshop: Methodology of Teaching Dance

Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama
Faculty: Anabella Lenzu
The July Lab (July 7, 8, 9 &10/ Mon-Thu 10am-1pm) covers Methodology of Teaching Dance.
Objectives: To offer methodological tools of analysis about how to teach and how to organize and create a teaching plan. Learn to promote artistic education to enhance the social and cultural community. We will investigate and increase creative ability, as well as working towards solving educational problems within specialized pedagogies.
Why? Because we need a humanistic approach in art and dance education. Continuing education is vital to improve ourselves and participate creatively in society and in the culture in which we live. I believe that education shouldn’t be a preparation for living, but living itself. Dance is a profound exploration of life. We must improve how we teach Dance as a theoretical and practical discipline.
Class size is limited to 10 students for the workshop.
TO APPLY: Send resume to