Dancewave Jan/Feb Zumba Party Classes

January & February Zumba Party Classes - FRIDAY 7:00-8:00PM
Zumba classes feature Latin rhythms set to high-energy pop music and international beats. Before you know it, you’ll be getting fit and will feel your energy levels soaring! There’s no other fitness class like a Zumba Fitness Party. It’s easy to do, effective and totally exhilarating, often building a deep-rooted community among returning students. This is a medium-paced, follow-along class with basic sequencing, suitable for all levels.
At Dancewave, everyone is invited to dance!
All of our teachers create a community in class that is supportive and non-competitive. We are committed to providing opportunities for students to engage with a diverse range of movement styles. Taking class at Dancewave is about the joy of moving, building confidence, and learning together in an environment that celebrates individual expression and creativity. Learn more and register at