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Dancewave presents a Works in Progress Performance Work In Progress

Dancewave presents a Works in Progress Performance




Dancewave 182
182 Fourth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207


Sunday, April 3, 2016 - 7:00pm




Dancewave hosts a ‪‎Works In Progress‬ show, featuring 3 dance artists: Edisa Weeks, Jonathan Gonzales, and Nadia Tykulsker - curated by EmmaGrace Skove-Epes.

Join us at Dancewave 182, Sunday April 3 for a ‪'Pay What You Can' showcase of these beautiful works. Get excited for a post-show discussion, an opportunity to speak directly to the artists! Space is limited, please arrive early.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1680257392226413/

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