Darkness Odyssey Part 3: "Non-Opera, Becoming" by Kota Yamazaki

New York Live Arts
Darkness Odyssey Part 3, the final installment of Kota Yamazaki’s Darkness Odyssey series, is a non-operatic celebration of the act of “becoming otherself.” Inspired by writings of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari and butoh pioneer Tatsumi Hijikata’s notion of “dance of darkness,” the series explores the idea of the body as a black hole. The stage set is designed by award-winning architect firm SO-IL.
Apr 4 - Stay Late Conversation
The Live Feed program is supported in part by by Rockefeller Brothers Fund, National Endowment for the Arts, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, and the Partners for New Performance.
Darkness Odyssey Part 3 is presented in collaboration with Mt. Tremper Arts.
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