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Deep Water this Thursday @ 8pm‏

Deep Water this Thursday @ 8pm‏


Sarah Council Dance Projects


The Green Building - 452 Union Street Brooklyn NY 11231


Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 8:00pm



Sarah Council Dance Projects

Join us for DEEP WATER
One night only---this Thursday Oct. 24th @8pm
Get your tickets today!!
...and a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who helped us reach our Kickstarter goal!
We are so grateful for your support and can't wait to share Deep Water with you!


Gowanus art + production presents:
 Deep Water
works by Sarah Council Dance Projects
 Tickets: $15.00
The Green Building 
452 Union Street Brooklyn NY 11231
With performances by : Liz Beres, Melissa Brading, Sarah Brown, Sarah Pope, 
and Aya wilson
The creation of Deep Water has been made possible in part by the Queens 
Council on the Arts with public funds from the New 
York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
Additional funding has been 
made possible by the Puffin Foundation Ltd.
Deep Water has also been made possible in part by a partnership
With Kentucky based Glema Mahr Center for the Arts.


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