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Discovering Our Future Bodies: Movement Making for the Liberation of Black Women

Discovering Our Future Bodies: Movement Making for the Liberation of Black Women


Led by Sydnie L. Mosley and SLMDances


Downtown Art, 70 E. 4th Street
New York, NY


Wednesday, February 8, 2017 - 7:00pm



Led by Sydnie L. Mosley and SLMDances

If our bodies are vehicles that help us move through the world, then we must agree that our bodies are the first to bear the marks of privilege, oppression, subordination, superiority, and ultimately, power, that society imposes on us. What is our future body? How do the freedom tools we have identified as radical ways of being and regenerating, lead us to this future body?

The workshop will interrogate respectability politics for black women through an interactive talk, story circles and a performance of Mosley’s collaboratively-devised dance work, CAKE. Through the exploration of black women’s physicality, participants will call forth practices and technologies we use for survival, regeneration, and the reclaiming of our bodily agency as a means of resistance and rejuvenation. Participants should feel comfortable sharing stories about coming into your own body.

By the end of this workshop, you can expect to:
(1) Identify and analyze the impact of respectability politics that shape the way that black women carry our present bodies.
(2) Learn some freedom tools that center, prioritize, and free the stories of black women and girls, and everyone who falls at the intersection.
(3) Implement the freedom tools for the liberation of those oppressed, and in so doing, ultimately free all human beings
(3) Use the freedom tools in an improvisational movement practice to identify their individual future body, how it moves and how it relates to others, and will have an opportunity to share this future body movement.

This workshop is part of FAB’s year-long series, The Sustainable Artist Toolkit.

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