Downtown Jewish Life presents INTO THE NIGHT
Downtown Jewish Life
Downtown Jewish Life presents INTO THE NIGHT: a contemporary spin on Tikkun Leil Shavuot, hosted by The 14th Street Y on Saturday June 11, 2016, from 7:30pm onward (into the night) at 344 East 14th Street, New York City. More than 20 downtown community partners will join in the third-annual night-time journey through conversation, culture, and ritual.
The Tikkun is a nightlong journey through culture in the vein of the many vernal "White Nights" of European traditions. The event will feature conversation and ritual led by artists, musicians, shamans, teachers, scholars, and rabbis. Downtown synagogues and community organizations will lead sessions and workshops designed to provoke philosophical discussion with attendees from ALL levels of observance.
From music jams to mixology classes to Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparedness discussions; all events during the night will provide an environment of thought, culture, creativity, and an extension past one's daily life. While learning deep INTO THE NIGHT, Jewish texts will be explored and unique insights will be discovered as people from all ages and backgrounds grow and change.
"I am proud that the 14th Street Y and the network of communities that comprise Downtown Jewish Life are able to bring together talented teachers, artists, thought leaders, clergy, and culture makers to update the Jewish tradition of all-night study for the holiday of Shavuot. We invite people of all backgrounds to experience the best that Jewish culture and texts have to offer-from the traditional to the avant garde, the conservative to the outre-INTO THE NIGHT promises attendees both new angles on an ancient wisdom and a chance to encounter new people and ideas."
-- Rabbi Shira Koch Epstein
Admission is free and there will be programs for all levels of observance. A photo ID is required for entry. Advance RSVP is recommended. For more information and to reserve a spot, please visit
Headliner Nigel Savage, will guide us through environmental sustainability from a Jewish perspective. Receiving the Torah in the year of Trump & Sanders (& Corbyn & Le Pen & Syriza): When do we read our own worldview into the tradition, and when and how do we allow the tradition to challenge us? Pesach is about freedom from; Shavuot is freedom to. As we head towards daybreak on the morning of Shavuot, in this session we'll look at anew at the key elements in birchat hashachar, the brachot of waking up in the mornings. They include three "problematical" blessings, blessing G!d for - variously - not making me a non-Jew; not making me a slave; and - for men - not making me a woman.these brachot at a time of radical change - and radical challenge - in the world. This session is intended to provoke, inspire, and engage. Come with an open mind and a love for Jewish tradition and the world around us. Nigel Savage founded Hazon in 2000. Hazon - which today includes Adamah, Teva and Isabella Freedman - renews Jewish life and creates a more sustainable world for all. Nigel has twice been in the Forward 50, and in 2015 was awarded an honorary doctorate by JTS.
Artist Robin Goldfin from the Theater for the New City will engage the audience with sounds and short stories adapted from their production Suddenly, a Knock at the Door, based on short stories by Etgar Keret also playing off Broadway at theater for the new city. This performance will be followed by a workshop in storytelling.
An All Star Jewish Jam Session led by Glenn Grossman, a night of musical amazement bringing many of New York City's finest musicians to reveal new musical pieces, create musical moments that have never been, and summon the nocturnal spirit.
From a Juvenile Detention Center in New Jersey to a fabled plaza in Madrid; from the piers of San Francisco to a Staten Island Mental Hospital, Lucky Penny, a production from David Deblinger, weaves a hilarious and surreal tale of family, loss, and laughter interwoven with songs sung by renowned jazz vocalist Fred Johnson.
Jewish Plays Project's "And You Shall Be a Blessing" will showcase a special concert celebration of the music and life of Debbie Freidman. This will include scenes from the new play by Deborah Yarchun,part of The 14th Street Y's Downtown Tikkun Shavuot, and stars Shira Klein, Naomi Less, Max Jared and more!
A full schedule of participants and program can be found below and online at
[Photo by Basil Rodericks]
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