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"DraftWork" staring Kora Radella / Miguel Guzman

"DraftWork" staring Kora Radella / Miguel Guzman


Kora Radella / Miguel Guzman


Danspace Project
131 E 10th St
New York, NY


Saturday, November 21, 2015 - 3:00pm


Free and open to the public; No advance reservations.

Kora Radella / Miguel Guzman

Kora Radella / Miguel Guzman

November 21, 2015
Saturday at 3:00PM
Free and open to the public! No advance reservations.

Curated by Ishmael Houston-Jones, the DraftWork series hosts informal Saturday afternoon performances that offer choreographers an opportunity to show their work in various stages of development.

Performances are followed by discussion and a reception during which artists and audiences share perspectives about the works-in-progress.

DraftWork is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and City Council Member Rosie Mendez.


Image courtesy of Double-Edge Dance (DED)/Kora Radella

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