Commons Choir/Daria Fain & Robert Kocik
World Premiere
This performance is general admission, for limited 5 seats, please call the box office at 212.924.0077.
E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E is an epic, town hall musical proposing, with Thomas Paine and Martin Luther King, money as public property. Created by choreographer Daria Faïn and poet Robert Kocik, in collaboration with composer Katherine Young and vocalist Samita Sinha and the Commons Choir. Twenty-seven dancers, singers and actors treat our current inequity crisis with reparative tones and intentions with the body as horn of plenty.
Come Early Conversation: BEGGING, with Sam Miller (President, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council), Robert Kocik and Laura Stelmok.
Stay Late Discussion: Practicing the Prosodic Body, with Faïn, Kocik, Commons Choir and Carla Peterson.
Dramatic Presentation: On the mechanization of the body and dancing towards liberation, with feminist activist Silvia Federici (author of Caliban and Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation).
E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E is commissioned by New York Live Arts and made possible, in part, by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Jerome Foundation. Additional support is given by contributors to the Dance Theater Workshop Commissioning Fund at New York Live Arts.
E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E is produced by the Prosodic Body and the members of the Commons Choir. Development support was provided by a series of residencies including the Movement Research Artist In Residence program supported by The Jerome Foundation, The Leonard and Sophie Davis Fund and The New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency (2008-2010), LMCC SWING SPACE (2009-2010) and The Field Artist Residency program supported by Lambent Foundation (2011). Funds have also been provided by the James Robison Foundation.
Pre-production support has been provided by Dance New Amsterdam (2012) through its Artist In Residence Program including studio rehearsal and office space plus a technical residency in the theater.