Eva Dean Dance Audition Notice
Amsterdam Fringe Festival (Netherlands) Performances August 31 thru September 3, 2012 Rehearsals begin July 23, 2012
Eva Dean Dance
Audition Notice
Amsterdam Fringe Festival (Netherlands)
Performances August 31 thru September 3, 2012
Rehearsals begin July 23, 2012
Eva Dean Dance (EDD) is seeking versatile dance artists to perform in UBA BOUNCE in the 2012 Amsterdam Fringe Festival. We highly recommend that you visit www.evadeandance.org to learn more about the company and our repertory, before you contact us.
EDD is looking for a male and a female dancer for one performance position and one understudy position. Positions will be filled based on participation in BOUNCE Dance Technique (BDT) classes. Must be able to participate in a minimum of 2 of the below BDT classes (3 classes preferred). Performance and rehearsal payments provided. Regretfully, it is unlikely that we will be able to afford to bring the understudy with us to Amsterdam, unless one of the performers is for some unexpected reason unable to participate.
EDD's BDT Classes (Summer 2012) - By Invitation Only
June: Mon 25 (4-6pm); Thurs 28 (11am-1pm); Fri 29 (3 - 4:30pm)
July: Mon 9 (5-6:30); Mon 16 (5-7); Wed 18 (12-1:30)
Participation in the above BDT classes is by invitation only. Please email edd@evadeandance.org to request an invitation to participate in on of the above BDT classes. Write a very brief description of why you would like to work with Eva Dean Dance along with your dance resume. Include which two of the above classes you are available to participate in. Also, confirm that you are available to perform during the above dates. We will confirm or decline your request in a return email.