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FREE Concerts by NYC Teens All Around Town

FREE Concerts by NYC Teens All Around Town


Young Dancemakers Company


Symphony Space
2537 Broadway
New York, NY 10025


Thursday, July 28, 2016 - 2:00pm



Young Dancemakers Company


Free Concerts by NYC Teens
Topical       Bold       Mindful       Witty       Fun Dances
21st Season / July 26 - August 5, 2016
Reserve Now

Enjoy this free one-hour concert of new, original choreography by NYC Teens, with both live percussion and taped music. The work is topical, bold, mindful, witty and fun. There will also be a guest repertory piece by Robert Battle, Artistic Director of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and a lively post-concert audience improvisation with the dancers.

Award-winning Director: Alice Teirstein
Associate Director: Jessica Gaynor
Music Director: William Catanzar

Thursday, July 28 @ 2 PM
Symphony Space
2537 Broadway @ 95 Street, Manhattan
Audience includes 700 youngsters from United Neighborhood Houses

Reservations recommended for all performances
Please call: 718-329-7300 ext 3358
email: aliceteirstein@gmail.com

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