Fall Further
In a first-ever event, Pentacle's east coast Gallery artists gather for a one-night only performance of new and touring repertory, October 1, 7:30 PM, at Ailey Citigroup Theater, 405 West 55 Street. The Gallery at Pentacle is an eclectic group of vibrant and talented dancemakers, some of whom may be unfamiliar to New York dance audiences. There is much to be discovered. Participating companies in the October 1st event are: BARKIN/SELISSEN PROJECT, Robin Becker Dance, ClancyWorks Dance Company, Bryn Cohn and Artists, COLLECTIVE BODY/dancelab, Dance Iquail:, danceTactics performance group, Danse4Nia Repertory Ensemble, KDNY, Claire Porter/PORTABLES, Amanda Selwyn Dance Theatre, Prashant Shah, and Bill Young/Colleen Thomas & Co.