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First Look: Taylor 2 Reveals "Tracer" (1962)

First Look: Taylor 2 Reveals "Tracer" (1962)


Paul Taylor


New York, NY


Friday, December 16, 2016 - 12:00pm



Paul Taylor

Paul Taylor, renowned dancemaker, and one of the seminal modern dance artists of the 20th and 21st centuries, established the six-member Taylor 2 troupe in 1993, reflecting the original Paul Taylor Dance Company, which began in 1954. Taylor's work,  Tracer, with costumes and scenic design by Robert Rauschenberg, was premiered and performed exclusively in 1962. The work has not been performed for more than 50 years, but will be reconstructed here in partnership with Kim Jones, former Martha Graham company member and University of North Carolina at Charlotte professor. This work is the immediate precursor of Paul Taylor's breakthrough work, Aureole (1962), and adds further insight to this unique artist's earliest creative explorations, in addition to a rare opportunity to see this work in an intimate setting.

Photo of Taylor 2 by Tom Caravaglia.

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