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Free Dance Lesson on Zoom with Mark DeGarmo Dance

Free Dance Lesson on Zoom with Mark DeGarmo Dance


Mark DeGarmo Dance


Mark DeGarmo Dance Zoom
New York, NY 10002


Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 6:30pm



Mark DeGarmo Dance

Join MDD for a #GivingTuesdayNow Dance Circle on Zoom Tuesday, May 5th 6:30-7:00pm ET U.S. Mark DeGarmo, Founder, Executive & Artistic Director, will lead a short dance circle / mini lesson to celebrate unity and connection during this time.

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/2123759214
or join with Meeting Code 212-375-9214

#GivingTuesdayNow is an opportunity for people around the world to stand together in unity– to use their individual power of generosity to remain connected and heal. As dancers, we believe dance has the power to do just that. Let's connect, release some stress, and have fun together!

A suggested donation of $5-$25 helps to support MDD's education and performance programs year-round.

1.) Venmo: Mark-DeGarmo-2
2.) Paypal: paypal.me/markdegarmodance
3.) Online: www.d4d2020.givesmart.com

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