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Gala Opening Night to celebrate the 2016 DUMBO Dance Festival

Gala Opening Night to celebrate the 2016 DUMBO Dance Festival


WHITE WAVE Young Soon Kim Dance Company


Gelsey Kirkland ArtsCenter
29 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201


Thursday, September 29, 2016 - 7:00pm



WHITE WAVE Young Soon Kim Dance Company

Let your life dance for a moment – Join us for the WHITE WAVE Gala magic …

Cordially invite you to the...

2016 WHITE WAVE GALA to celebrate the


We invite you to celebrate the 16th DUMBO Dance Festival at the annual WHITE WAVE Gala. Featuring WHITE WAVE Young Soon Kim Dance Company; New York premieres of works by Oniin Dance (Italy), Hyun Kim (Korea/Poland); as well as renowned Buglisi Dance Theatre, Carolyn Dorfman Dance and two rising choreographers, Daniel Ching, and of bones||hollye bynum (USA).

After the performances mingle with the cast of international dancers and choreographers for a cocktail of creative dance + creative party + creative canapés.

VIP cocktails are served at Gelsey Kirkland ArtsCenter from 6:00 - 6:50pm. 

7 PM               Opening Night Performance                                         

8:30 PM        Cocktails + Canapes + Dance Party with LIVE MUSIC

Tickets start at $100, $250(VIP), can be purchase at WWW.WHITEWAVEDANCE.COM

Please watch our last year’s Gala video presentation https://vimeo.com/138778430

All funds raised will directly assist WHITE WAVE's mission to present performance and educational opportunities for the next generation of choreographers and dancers.

WHITE WAVE is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. 

All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.



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