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HARTFORD, CT: "Incarnations" by Yvonne Rainer & Emily Coates

HARTFORD, CT: "Incarnations" by Yvonne Rainer & Emily Coates


Yvonne Rainer & Emily Coates


Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art
600 Main St
Hartford, CT 06103


Saturday, March 17, 2018 - 2:00pm



Yvonne Rainer & Emily Coates

Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art

Incarnations by Emily Coates

Revision: A Truncated History of the Universe. A Rant Dance by Yvonne Rainer

March 17, 2018 at 2 PM


The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art will stage an exclusive performance of Incarnations, a multi-media dance performance by world-renowned dancer, Emily Coates. Acclaimed choreographer and filmmaker, Yvonne Rainer will follow her performance in Incarnations with Revision: A Truncated History of the Universe for Dummies. A Rant Dance.

Featuring Sarah Demers, the Horace Taft Associate Professor of Physics at Yale University, Incarnations is a series of etudes that explore connections between dancing and physics. When Incarnations premiered at St. Mark’s Church in New York City, the New York Times highlighted the performance as a must-see theatrical event. In addition to Coates and Demers, the performance features dancers Lacina Coulibaly, Iréne Hultman, Jon Kinzel, and Will Orzo.

Tickets are $15/$10 members; available at www.thewadsworth.org/events.


The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art

600 Main Street

Hartford, CT  06103

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