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Infinity Dance Theater presents "The Women's Stories Project" (FREE)

Infinity Dance Theater presents "The Women's Stories Project" (FREE)


Infinity Dance Theater


YouTube and Zoom


Saturday, August 28, 2021 - 8:00pm
Sunday, August 29, 2021 - 3:00pm



Infinity Dance Theater

We hope you can join Infinity Dance Theater for a free virtual presentation of "The Women’s Stories Project" via YouTube followed by an after-party on Zoom. Conceived, created, choreographed, and narrated by Kitty Lunn (Artistic Director), "The Women's Stories Project" is a unique and inspiring theater/dance work featuring six amazing women – with courage and resourcefulness to spare – who tell their stories of love, loss, illness, and aging. Depressing? Not at all! "Women’s Stories" is funny, sad, ironic, raw, honest, and unpredictable.

Each of the six featured women wrote the story they wanted to tell. William Catanzaro, Infinity’s Music Director and master composer, created an original score for each woman’s story. This is a new installment of "The Women’s Stories Project" that originally premiered in 2012 with a different ensemble of women.

Though the women represent different ages, races, and walks of life, they represent all of us – connected through common threads of humanity – with one another and with the audience." Women’s Stories" is a celebration of the triumph of the human spirit.

Everyone has a story that needs to be told and needs to be heard, and artistic expression and dialogue have the power to bring communities together. When we talk with and listen to each other, instead of talking at and about each other, we learn that we are so much more alike than we are different. We learn that we have many of the same dreams and the same need to love and be loved.

The presentation features Mackenzie-Anne Colman, Colleen Roche, Luznérida "Lucy" Rosado, Millie Gonzalez, Leslie Freeman Taub, and Luísa Righeto.

Links to the free YouTube event and Zoom after-party will be emailed to Infinity's eblast list prior to the events, so please email info@infinitydance.com to RSVP.

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