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International Dance Dialogues (I.D.D.) Workshops

International Dance Dialogues (I.D.D.) Workshops


Saturday, March 2, 2013 - 10:25am

With Alice Chauchat next week March 4-8

International Dance Dialogues (I.D.D.) Workshops

March 4-8 Alice Chauchat
March 11-15 Elizabeth Corbett

March 4-8 MON-FRI 12:15-2:45pm
Avenue C Studio
5 for full 5-day workshop,  
8 drop-In
Taking the following as an ambitious base, we'll try out various configurations in which we might think-act together what a community choreography could be, understanding the idea of community not in terms of difference from other groups but in terms of a specific way of being together:
Ten statements on collective practice*
1. members of the group participate with their entire bodies, experiences and thoughts
2. each member is responsible for what she shares within the group
3. each member is responsible for the way she processes what is shared within the group
4. short-cut negotiations
5. general agreement is not desirable
6. create a common that is based on individual experience
7. practitioners should focus on their own activity rather than on the general composition
8. only the practitioners themselves can evaluate their own activity
9. leave space for individuals to resist the group dynamics
10. don't direct each other
* ten statements is a game from everybody's toolbox


Elizabeth Corbett
March 11-15 MON-FRI 2-4pm
Gibney Dance Center
5 for full 5-day workshop, 8 drop-In 
Forsythe Improv and Phrase Workshop
Long time Forsythe dancer Elizabeth Corbett guides an exploration into the working methodologies inspired by the creative processes of William Forsythe. In this workshop dancers explore and develop improvisation approaches and deconstruction of Forsythe's phrase work toward accessing the inner logic and unfolding mechanisms in the work.

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