Isadora Software Workshop: Learn to Create Media-intensive Performances

Isadora Software
Isadora Intro Course + Masterclass
Application deadline EXTENDED TO MAY 22nd!
June 9 – 13, 2014
Taught by Mark Coniglio, the creator of ISADORA® software
The workshop will be in two parts. The first day, June 9th, 2014, will be an Introductory Course that covers the basics of ISADORA® along with the most common implementation and frequently asked questions. The four days that follow will be a Master Class designed for intermediate and advanced users. The curriculum will be specifically tailored to the group of students in the room and their respective skill level.
1 day Introductory Course Fee: $100.00
4 day Masterclass Fee: $700.00
Both (Intro & Masterclass): $750.00
*Isadora® is the award winning, interactive media presentation tool that allows you to follow your artistic impulse. Whether you are an artist, designer, performer, or VJ, you can quickly and easily harness the limitless potential of digital media and real-time interactivity with Isadora®.
Designed by an artist for artists, Isadora’s welcoming environment invites even those new to the world of digital media to learn by playing and experimenting. Programming Isadora is easy. The user interface is carefully crafted to make both creative improvisation and fine-tuning a breeze.
Isadora® is as limitless as your imagination. Over 250 basic building blocks can be linked in a nearly infinite number of ways, allowing you to create and manipulate stunning visuals, sonic environments, and media-intensive theatrical experiences. Whether you need to simply sequence and present video clips for your next play, or you want to create a rich, textured interactive performance that respond in real-time to a performer’s action, Isadora® has you covered.
Created by composer and media-artist, Mark Coniglio, Isadora was initially developed to realize the performances of Troika Ranch, the pioneering media intensive dance company he co-founded. Isadora reflects over 20 years of practical experience with real-time live performance and media interactivity.
-THE WEEK OF June 9, 2014
June 9 @ 10am-4pm; Intro Course
June 10, 11, 12, 13 @ 10am-4pm; Master Class
Mark Coniglio, Creator of Isadora®
Co-Founder Troika Ranch
3LD Art & Technology Center
80 Greenwich Street
NYC, NY 10006
The workshop will be in two parts. The first day, June 9th, will be an Introductory Course that covers the basics of ISADORA® along with the most common implementation and frequently asked questions. The four days that follow will be a Master Class designed for intermediate and advanced users. Both classes will be taught by the creator of the ISADORA® software and the curriculum will be specifically tailored to the group of students in the room and their respective skill level.
1-day Introductory Course Fee: $100.00
4-day Masterclass Fee: $700.00 (Includes a one-year License for Isadora®)
BOTH (Intro & Masterclass) Fee: $750.00 (Includes a one-year License for Isadora®)
Due to high demand for the opportunity to learn directly from the creator of this revolutionary software, participation will be determined by application.
Payment in full ($100 for INTRO class; $700 for MASTERCLASS; $750 for BOTH) must be received by May 15, 2014
Include one paragraph explaining why you are interested in attending the workshop and one paragraph describing the kind of work that you make. Briefly tell us about your level of expertise with computers. Please include your name, address, telephone number and email address.
Applicants must have a basic understanding of using a computer, i.e., opening and saving files, copying and pasting information, basic navigational skills, etc. Applicants must also have gone through the Isadora® Tutorials 1-6 before the workshop begins.a¨a¨ Send applications to with ISADORA® WORKSHOP in the subject line.
A Note About the Selection Process: Please know that, beyond your application information, an important factor in choosing the participants is how the group fits together as a whole. When the skills of those participating vary too widely, it means that someone ends up either bored or overwhelmed. So please understand that if you are not chosen it is not a reflection on your abilities or your skills as an artist. Participants will be chosen with a median skill level in mind and the limited number of seats available.
Computers: We require that you bring your own Mac or PC laptop.
Macintosh Requirements: Intel based computer with a bus speed of 2.0 Ghz and 2.0 GB of RAM; Mac OS X 10.4.0 or greater; latest version of Apple’s QuickTime. (G4/G5 computers will work, but they do not perform nearly as well as the Intel machines.)
Windows Requirements: Intel based computer with a bus speed of 1.8 Ghz and 2.0 GB of RAM; Windows 7, Vista or XP; latest version of Apple’s QuickTime.
Video Camera: Some means of capturing live video is required.
The best option is a Digital Video Camera: Video (DV) camera with a FireWire output. (Make sure you have the required cable to connect it to your computer.)
A second option is to purchase a composite video-to-USB adapter like the Daystar Technology XLR8 Interview (Mac) or the Pinnacle Dazzle DVC-100 (Windows).
A third option is to use a web cam, either an external USB model or the one that is built-in to your laptop; this latter option offers the least flexibility however.
Microphone: For those whose computers do not have an integrated internal microphone, an external microphone compatible with the microphone input of your computer is also recommended.
Sensory Systems: Users may also bring MIDI input devices or other sensory systems if they have prior skill in connecting and using those systems with their computer. Isadora can receive input from MIDI and Serial devices as well as software that supports the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol.
3LD especially encourages artists and arts enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds to apply to the workshop. We are interested in facilitating the exchange of ideas amongst populations traditionally underserved within the interactive technology community. All races and ethnicities, and personal abilities are welcome as are performers and non-performers. Artists, arts administrators, producers, designers and curious individuals in general that meet the basic requirements for application and complete the online six-part tutorial are welcome here.