Jamal Jackson Dance Company Presents The People Vs.

Jamal Jackson Dance Company
The OJ Simpson trial of 1995 for the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, was a veritable five-ring circus encompassing issues of race, gender, celebrity, media and justice. “The People Vs.” will take a new approach to audience engagement by making discussions on diversity and influence central the process of experiencing the work. Within this piece, we ask the question: “Was justice served?” This case has had implications up to our present day, as new decisions are made based upon the outcomes of cases that have come before. Is our justice system fair, or is it failing us, particularly when issues of race are present? The work is an experience shaped by all the players (including the audience) as the narrative of the case unfolds.
Jamal Jackson Dance Company (JJDC) is a fiscally sponsored member of New York Live Arts, Inc., a non-profit tax-exempt organization. Contributions in support of JJDC’s work are greatly appreciated and may be made payable to New York Live Arts, Inc., earmarked for “the New York Live Arts member project of Jamal Jackson Dance Company.” A description of the work and current project activities for which such contributions will be used are available from JJDC or New York Live Arts, upon request. All contributions are fully deductible to the extent allowed by law. (Note: A copy of New York Live Arts’ latest annual financial report filed with the New York State Department of State may be obtained by writing to the N.Y.S. Dept. of State, Charities Registration, 162 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY, 12231, or to New York Live Arts, 219 West 19th Street, New York, NY, 10011)