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Janis Brenner in "She Remembers her Amnesia" (based on true stories)

Janis Brenner in "She Remembers her Amnesia" (based on true stories)


Janis Brenner & Dancers


National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South
New York, NY 10003


Monday, October 23, 2023 - 7:00pm



Janis Brenner & Dancers

Janis Brenner is a choreographer, dancer, singer, actor and artist. She has been called “one of our most brilliant and engaging storytellers … blending the evocative and the provocative [in] a sublime fusion of musical, physical and textual poetry.”

Her new interdisciplinary work, a second personal narrative dance-opera –play and comic drama with original music by Jerome Begin, is based on her personal stories. It reveals her forays and adventures in relation to the head, heart, and brain and the circuitous paths that create who we are.

Memory has been a compelling subject in many of the dance works she has created for her company. In turning her talents to find meaning in troubling phenomena Brenner “offers a full throated cry into the abyss, and we come up singing and dancing.” — Cynthia Darling, Thinking Theatre, NYC

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