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Jeanette Stoner and Dancers in "Ancient Memories, Deep Past"

Jeanette Stoner and Dancers in "Ancient Memories, Deep Past"




Stoner Studio, 83 Leonard Street, NYC


Thursday, January 23, 2014 - 8:00pm
Friday, January 24, 2014 - 8:00pm
Saturday, January 25, 2014 - 8:00pm
Sunday, January 26, 2014 - 5:00pm





January 23-26 (Thursday/Friday/Saturday at 8 PM; Sunday at 5 PM)
Stoner Studio, 83 Leonard Street
Tickets: $20
Reservations: 212.226.1576

Performers: Chase Booth, Peter Davis, Amos Pinhasi, Valerie Vann Oetti and from NYU Experimental Theater School: John Guitierrez, Keenan Joliff, Gabriel Milligan-Green, Kingsley Nwaogu, and Nick Smerkanich


           "Jeanette Stoner is a hidden treasure of New York dance.  She makes dances that
            take us on unpredictable journeys through her unique imagination....The implicit
            emotions of Stoner's characters recall a former modern dance era, born of German
            Expressionism by pioneers like Mary Wigman."
                                                               Gus Solomons jr, Gay City News

           "A choreographer who has paid her dues in New York dance, Ms. Stoner is prized for
            the intelligence of her dances and her choice of mature performers."
                                                            Jennifer Dunning, The New York Times

Dancer/choreographer Jeanette Stoner, known for her very individual sense of dance/theater, often using the spoken word, will present her JEANETTE STONER AND DANCERS in the premieres of Ancient Memories, Deep Past, a full company work to music by Terry Riley, and Wall, a solo work for company member Peter Davis.

Stoner has created several works to music by Terry Riley, including Green, a 1987 solo which will be danced by Amos Pinhasi.   Riley is American composer/performing musician and a pioneer in the minimalist school of Western classical music.   His work has been deeply influenced by both jazz and Indian classical music.

In Green, Pinhasi depicts a funny character who may very well have just stepped out of an "art naive" painting.   The solo is full of motion, humor and Stoner's unique style of absurdity.

Ladder, premiered in 2009, is set to music by contemporary composer Lois Dilivio.  Chase Booth represents a mythical creature suspended from a pipe near the ceiling.   Stoner also places a ladder suspended from the ceiling, providing Peter Davis and Amos Pinhasi the entrance into Chase's world.

Stoner is well served by her company of performers, all of whom have worked with her over the years and are well versed in her very individual style of dance/theater.   Two frequent Stoner collaborators will again be on board; choreographer Zvi Gotheiner will do the lighting, and costumes are by Carol Pelletier.

Jeanette Stoner performed with Truda Kachman in Hartford Ct. as a young child.    She danced with the Nikolais Dance Theatre, Nancy Meehan, Sara Shelton and Elina Mooney, among others.   Ms. Stoner was the director of the Dance Theater of the Deaf and co-director of the Stoner-Hermans Dance Company.   She has completed numerous choreographic commissions and artistic residencies, including the Israeli dance companies Tamar and Tamar Jerusalem, The Yard, NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, Sarah Lawrence College, the U of Illinois, the U of Minnesota, and Barnard College.   In addition, she has taught at the American Centre in Paris, Nikolais/Louis Dance Lab, and CSC Repertory Theater, and taught the Young Masters Program at the 92nd Street Y.


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