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Jody Oberfelder's new production of Kurt Weill's "Zaubernacht"

Jody Oberfelder's new production of Kurt Weill's "Zaubernacht"


Jody Oberfelder


Museum of Jewish Heritage—A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, 36 Battery Place, Battery Park City
New York, NYC


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - 7:00pm daily through March 15, 2018
Sunday, March 18, 2018 - 2:00pm daily through March 15, 2018



Jody Oberfelder

An enchanting chamber music and dance work about a child whose toys come to life, Zaubernacht is Kurt Weill's earliest work for the stage. This production by the KCO in collaboration with Jody Oberfelder Projects, at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Lower Manhattan, will be the first in New York City using Weill's long-lost, original orchestrations since Zaubernacht's American premiere in 1925! A one-act performance for an instrumental ensemble of nine and a troupe of dancers, Zaubernacht will appeal to both young and adult audiences. For these three performances--two on weekday evenings and one afternoon especially for children--the KCO will be collaborating with the innovative choreographer Jody Oberfelder, who will create original characters based on Weill's dynamic score.

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