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Kat Wildish Presents


Peridance Capezio Center
126 East 13th Street
New York, Ny 10003


Tuesday, October 13, 2015 - 6:30pm weekly through October 27, 2015



Kat Wildish Presents

Don’t come late to a Kat Wildish class — you may find yourself backed into a corner or jammed up at the barre: She is that popular. A School of American Ballet graduate, Wildish danced with both New York City Ballet and American Ballet Theatre. Over three decades of teaching, she has developed a distinctive, systematic, and highly effective approach to dance education. Correct placement is the root of Wildish’s pedagogy. She gives a long barre, an hour ormore, including challenging balances that test where the body is. Her entire class, in fact, is constructed to demand constant awareness of skeletal alignment, core strength, and proper weight distribution. Plus, she nags.Many teachers give the same barre every class. Not Wildish. Although some elements repeat, the combinations are consistently fresh, surprising, and devilishly tricky—they don’t let you tune out or sink into a routine. The intricacy of the choreography ensuresthat students learn to pick up steps quickly and accurately, so they’re ready for anything that another teacher—or an audition—might throw at them. Although Wildish’s classes are sparked by humor, her witticisms always have a purpose: She takes her students seriously, whatever their technical level, and welcomes many nonprofessional adults as well as working dancers. A broad spectrum of ages and body types are represented, and she attracts an unusually high proportionof men. These students form a genuine community, enhanced by Wildish’s internet outreach: Her website, www.katwildish.com, and Facebook page offer them a way to connect instantly and regularly with one another, and a monthly e-newsletter provideseverything from class updates to ballet lore.Wildish never forgets that ballet is a performing art. Her repertory workshops offer anybody—even complete novices—a chance to rehearse and appear in stagings of classical ballets (a filmed excerpt from La Bayadère, Act II, was cited as the Pointe video of the month in November 2009). She also teaches  pointe classes, exploring thefundamentals of pointe work and coaching dancers in a classical variation (e.g., Amor in Don Quixote; Sugar Plum Fairy). These extra opportunities allow students to work intensively on a single piece—often impossible in regular class—honing their technique, presentation, and stagecraft. And finally, there is attitude: Wildish teaches more than technique; she cultivates a sense of individual presence. Her classes promote balance, focus, and grace as students move through class—and through life.

http://bit.ly/1JtwsQM  Dance Teacher Mag
http://www.dancestudiolife.com/tag/kat-wildish/ In Training: Dancing to Hollywood and Beyond - Dance Magazine

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