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Kat Wildish Performing in New York Showcase - 10th Annual

Kat Wildish Performing in New York Showcase - 10th Annual


Kat Wildish Presents


Peridance Capezio Theater
126 East 13th St.
New York, NY 10003


Sunday, November 11, 2018 - 4:30pm, 7:00pm

Kat Wildish Presents

Come see this passionate international cast of the best small companies, schools, and our very own showcase adults in a real NYC theater!

*Featuring all genres of dance & choreography:*

Matteo Corbetta Kormat Dance Company; Bev Brown Dancers; Sue Samuels Dancers; the work of Maria Solembrino; American Theatre Dance Workshop; American Teen Dance Ballet Company; the work of Lauren Blue; Ann Dragich and Company; the work of Ben Briones; Q Choreo; The Teens Company; Mr. Kid Abdul Belle; Kat Wildish's Dancers; and more!

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