Kid Express! at Triskelion Arts

Triskelion Arts
KID EXPRESS! at Triskelion Arts
After-School Classes for Children age 4 to 7 in the Expressive Arts
106 Calyer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222
Trial classes offered from 3-4pm on August 4, August 18, and September 8 for:
Dance as Storytelling!
Creative movement and dance, confidence and team building with Kimberley Kreps
Semester Classes: Tuesdays, September 15 – December 15 from 3-4pm*
*There is NO class on Tuesday, November 24th.
Class Description: Kimberley Kreps helps bring stories to life through dance, creative movement, costume, and narrative! In this class, students will begin to understand the basic elements of storytelling. They will tap into dance traditions, like Native American Fan dancing, to aid in their understanding of symbolism in dance. The students play fun dance and theater-based games and explore moving like animals, robots, and objects found in nature. There will be “dress-up” and character-building, leading up to an original final performance.
Trial classes offered from 3-4pm on August 6, August 20, and September 10 for:
The World’s A Stage!
Life Skills and How To Be Awesome through Theater Games and Circus Arts with Billy Schultz
Semester Classes: Thursdays, September 17 – December 17 from 3-4pm*
*There is NO class on Thursday, November 26th.
Class Description: Billy Schultz uses his training in clown, dance, and theater to create comedic, energetic, and enriching workshops and performances with children. Through this play-based work, children are able to exercise and develop their social and emotional skills as well as their aesthetic sensibilities in a group setting. The goal is for kids to learn and practice important skills that they will use in everyday life in a safe and fun environment. Through theater games and circus skills (ribbon twirling, acrobalance, feather balancing, plate-spinning, and more), students will find their strengths in a group setting and create entertaining performances for one and all!
Trial classes are $30 each, or $50 for both classes.
To sign up, visit:
Questions? Contact us at
Photo by Stefano Corso.