LUDUS LAB with Frank van de Ven (The Netherlands)

Body Weather: From Touch to Dance
This LUDUS Lab will focus on Body Weather, a comprehensive training and performance practice that investigates the intersections of bodies and their environments. Bodies are conceived not as fixed and separate entities but as constantly changing – just like the weather. Weather is seen as a complex system of forces and influences coursing through and beyond bodies and the world.
The focus of this lab will be on how developing multiple qualities of touching and being touched can expand one’s movement skills and vocabulary. Touch makes us aware of the world inside and outside of us. To touch is to be touched.
The term & philosophical basis for Body Weather was founded in the early 1980’s by butoh dancer Min Tanaka and further developed by Laboratories worldwide. As a training, Body Weather is of relevance to anyone interested in exploring the body and physical presence and this workshop is suited to dance, theatre and movement practitioners and artists of various backgrounds.