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La MaMa Moves! Dance Festival: Maura Nguyen Donohue

La MaMa Moves! Dance Festival: Maura Nguyen Donohue


Maura Nguyen Donohue


The Club | 74A E 4th Street; 2nd Floor
New York, NY


Saturday, May 27, 2017 - 9:30pm
Sunday, May 28, 2017 - 6:00pm



Maura Nguyen Donohue

All of the choreographers on this program were once students at the Hunter College Dance Program in the City University of New York.
By gathering them into shared space and time, Maura hopes to celebrate the rich plurality their artistic voices offer our community as makers and movers.

SATURDAY, MAY 27 at 9:30PM

Rina Espiritu | Alexandra Amirov | Kirsten Flores-Davis


Janice Rosario | Kareem Alexander | Camilla Davis

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