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La Tangueria: Arte Tango

La Tangueria: Arte Tango


New Generation Dance Company


Dardo Galletto Studios, 151 West 46 St.


Saturday, November 16, 2013 - 9:00pm



New Generation Dance Company

New Generation Dance Company, directed by Dardo Galletto and Karina Romero, will take audiences to the colorful barrios of Buenos Aires for "La Tangueria: Arte Tango," a performance of traditional Argentine tango and original choreography by Galletto, whose credits include Julio Bocca's Ballet Argentino and traditional tango.  The 12-member company will be joined by Gabriel Misse and Analia Centurion, recently featured on City Center's Fall for Dance.   The one-hour performance will be followed by a Milonga (Tango Party) and a celebration of Gabriel's birthday.  November 16 at 9 PM at the Galletto Studios, 151 West 46 Street.

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