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Ligia Lewis presents "minor matter"

Ligia Lewis presents "minor matter"


Ligia Lewis


Abrons Arts Center
New York, NY


Monday, December 19, 2016 - 8:00pm



Ligia Lewis

With minor matter, choreographer Ligia Lewis articulates a sensitive argument for minoritarian politics. Can we institute a practice of togetherness in the minor? Can the black box be host to a black experience that goes beyond identity politics? Three performers work towards a regime of time and space that builds on minor aesthetics through a dynamic interplay of the theater’s parts. Between light and shadow, reference and imagination, affect and embodiment, the work opens up a vital celebratory space where engrained symbols are twisted by the intimate poetics of the performative moment. In a time of anti-blackness, minor matter inhabits the black box saturated with the fugitivity of black expression.

minor matter is the second part in Ligia Lewis’ ongoing triptych BLUE, RED, WHITE. Whereas sadness and the color blue stood in the foreground of Sorrow Swag (part one/BLUE), in this new work Lewis turns to the color red, materializing thoughts between love and rage.

minor matter is a production by Ligia Lewis in coproduction with HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Funded by the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs and Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. Performances of minor matter for American Realness 2017 are made possible with support the Berlin Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs and Lumberyard, formerly American Dance Institut/ADI.

[Photo by Dorothea Tuch]

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