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Lincoln Center's Summer for the City presents ABT Silent Disco with DJ Remeice and Tyler Maloney

Lincoln Center's Summer for the City presents ABT Silent Disco with DJ Remeice and Tyler Maloney


Lincoln Center


Lincoln Center
10 Lincoln Center Plaza
New York, New York 10023


Sunday, June 25, 2023 - 10:00pm



Lincoln Center

This silent disco is sure to turn up the volume!

As a queer DJ, Remeice has enjoyed working alongside many Queer artists & performers. Co-hosting the evening will be ABT dancer extraordinaire, Tyler Maloney. S

uit up in your favorite dancing shoes and get ready to twirl it out on the dance floor to a style similar to the likes of Rupaul, 80s/90s dance classics, queer-friendly hiphop influence with familiar and fabulous pop and party classics that you know and love to jam to!

ABT’s Summer Season is at the Metropolitan Opera House from June 13 – July 16.

Tickets on sale now at abt.org.

For more information, visit https://www.lincolncenter.org/lincoln-center-at-home/show/abt-silent-disco-with-dj-remeice-and-tyler-maloney.

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