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MONTREAL, QUEBEC: Biodanza Classes on Monday nights

MONTREAL, QUEBEC: Biodanza Classes on Monday nights


Biodanza with Sylvia Essiembre


5720, Saint-André Street


Monday, March 31, 2014 - 7:00pm



Biodanza with Sylvia Essiembre

Biodanza is an invitation to develop your capacity to be fully alive in the present moment.  From this comes the pleasure of discovering your true self. 

Biodanza is experienced through simple, mindful and authentic dances enhanced by the power of carefully selected music.  There are moments where you can outwardly express yourself as well as moments where you can delve inwards.

A continuing practice of Biodanza will help you:
- Be more present and alive
- Be more authentic and respectful in your relationships with others and with yourself
- Create  personal inner resources for a richer and more harmonious daily life

Neither a fitness level nor dance training are required.  Just let yourself be guided by your curiosity!

For information: Sylvia Essiembre sessiembre@gmail.com or 514-991-4154

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