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Make a nomination for Gibney Dance's Beth Silverman-Yam: The Social Action Award

Make a nomination for Gibney Dance's Beth Silverman-Yam: The Social Action Award


Gibney Dance


Gibney Dance Center
890 Broadway
New York, NY


Monday, August 24, 2015 - 11:59pm daily through September 10, 2015



Gibney Dance

Make a nomination for Gibney Dance's Beth Silverman-Yam
Social Action Award

We are now accepting nominations for Gibney Dance's first Beth Silverman-Yam Social Action Award! This annual award of $1,000 honors those whose use of dance in conjunction with social change is exemplary and reflects the values of Gibney Dance’s Community Action program.

Gibney Dance’s Beth Silverman-Yam Social Action Award will be presented annually, beginning in October 2015, to an individual within the dance community whose use of dance in conjunction with social change is exemplary and reflects the values of Gibney Dance’s Community Action program, such as self-reflection, personal choice, equity in collaboration, and self-care

What is the Award?

In honor of Gibney Dance Clinical Advisor Dr. Beth Silverman Yam’s lifetime dedication to generosity and activism, this annual award of $1,000 serves to celebrate her extraordinary efforts by encouraging others in theirs. Within the context of a global community, this award honors those that have impacted both the fields of dance and social change through successful partnerships, genuinely innovative efforts, and particularly effective social change projects in the pursuit of social justice.

The award is intended to further the recipients’ work in the field of dance and the pursuit of social justice by bringing people together, encouraging their ideas, and helping them take action. Funds can be used at the artist’s discretion to further their work at the intersection of arts and social change

Submission deadline: Thursday, September 10

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