Martha's Men
Martha Graham Dance Company
The Martha Graham Dance Company’s 2018–19 Studio Series begins in November with Martha’s Men, a program that focuses on the role of men and the masculine in Martha Graham’s work. The men of the Company will perform iconic solos from Graham classics Cave of the Heart, Night Journey, Errand into the Maze, and El Penitente. The evening will also include a sneak peek at Secular Games, which is being revived for the Company’s Joyce Theater season in spring 2019. Artistic Director Janet Eilber will offer commentary on the artistic and historical context of the featured works. Martha’s Men is part of GrahamDeconstructed and is designed as a companion piece to The EVE Project, the Company’s season-long theme focusing on both historic and contemporary ideas of the feminine.
Martha’s Men will take place on Tuesday, November 13, and Wednesday, November 14, at 7pm, at the Martha Graham Studio Theater, 55 Bethune Street (11th Floor), in Manhattan.
Tickets for Martha’s Men are $25 (general) / $15 (students with valid ID). Ticket includes a glass of wine. Full-Season and Half-Season Studio Series subscription packages are also available.
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