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Michael Breslin presents "Kiss me just once more" at Queer NY International Arts Festival

Michael Breslin presents "Kiss me just once more" at Queer NY International Arts Festival


Michael Breslin


Dixon Place
161 Chrystie St
New York, NY


Friday, September 25, 2015 - 8:00pm



Michael Breslin

Michael Breslin (U.S.)

Kiss me just once more (NYC premiere)

Friday, September 25, 8pm

Dixon Place

Tickets: $15 / dixonplace.org


kiss me just once more is a solo theatre piece investigating the relationship between a queer son and his mother. Using the “Goodnight Kiss” passage from Proust’s Swann’s Way, it explores questions about the natural and the deviant and this binary’s relation to queer failure, psychosexual identification, and ritual. The piece manipulates linear time and plot structure in creating a journey of queer discovery under patriarchal forces. The piece is set in a bedchamber where a young boy lies alone trying to fall asleep, but cannot without his mother's kiss. This prompts his enacting a ritual to summon her. The piece incorporates dances from Indonesia and Brazil that contain intense gender play traditionally performed by men in cross-dress, as well as Beslin's own movement vocabulary. Along with Proust, kiss me just once more draws on a range of texts –- from Koestenbaum to Chekhov –- and on contemporary music from the Polish Royal String Quartet.

Michael Breslin is a Brooklyn-based theater and dance artist from New Jersey. He graduated from Hamilton College with degrees in comparative literature and theater. His work has most recently been presented at Dixon Place and The Orchard performing arts residency at Hamilton College. He has assisted in works at The Kitchen and at the Baryshnikov Arts Center, and works as a program assistant for Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC). Breslin has trained, performed, and conducted research in cross-gender and queer performance in more than ten countries. His work lives between the political and the poetic, calling for change and resistance while sensitively exploring the reality of the present.

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