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Mina Nishimura at Mount Tremper Arts‏

Mina Nishimura at Mount Tremper Arts‏


Mina Nishimura


Mount Tremper Arts (647 South Plank Rd in Mount Tremper, NY)


Friday, August 22, 2014 - 8:00pm
Saturday, August 23, 2014 - 8:00pm



Mina Nishimura



Mina Nishimura presents
Princess Cabbage and Quiet House, Ash Daughter (world premieres)
Mount Tremper Arts (647 South Plank Rd in Mount Tremper, NY)
$20; mounttremperarts.org; 845-688-9893
August 22 & 23 at 8pm

“I let my sister dwell in my body. When she stands up in my body, I involuntarily sit down. When she falls down, I fall down. Yet there is something more to it, than this simple correlation.”
From Tatsumi Hijikata’s "From Being Jealous of a Dog’s Vein."

Mount Tremper Arts presents choreographer and performer Mina Nishimura with two distinct premieres inspired by the works of Japanese choreographer and thinker Tatsumi Hijikata, the father of Butoh. In the solo Princess Cabbage, a multitude of fantastical and grotesque images from Hijikata’s biographical novel, Sickened Primadonna, are playfully transformed into movement, vocals and facial expressions crystallizing in a single body like a kaleidoscope. In Quiet House, Ash Daughter, Nishumura is joined by Jon Burklund, Lydia Chrisman and Li Cata in a quartet that explores a nuanced, personal and collective internal landscape using recomposed texts and images from Hijikata’s butoh score. As the audience sits in the center of the floor, performers surround them with an elusive, moving painting, looking to each other for a sense of sympathy and support.

Performances of Princess Cabbage and Quiet House, Ash Daughter will take place on August 22 and 23 at 8pm at Mount Tremper Arts, which is located at 647 South Plank Rd in Mount Tremper, NY. $20 tickets are available online at mounttremperarts.org, by phone at 866-811-4111, or in person at the Mount Tremper Arts box office, which opens one hour before events.

Tokyo-born Mina Nishimura, whose work The New York Times has called “thoroughly captivating,” was first introduced to butoh and improvisational dance through Kota Yamazaki’s teaching at the Merce Cunningham Studio. She was an Artist in Residence at Brooklyn Art Exchange in 2010-2011, at Chez Bushwick in 2013, and is currently an Artist in Residence at Movement Research. Nishimura teaches at Bennington College (Vermont) and Ferris University (Japan).

Support for Mina Nishimura's Princess Cabbage and Quiet House, Ash Daughter is provided by The Japan Foundation New York's Grant for Arts and Culture.

About Mount Tremper Arts

Since its founding in 2008, Mount Tremper Arts has quickly become recognized nationally for being an exciting and innovative new cultural arts center. Nestled in the Catskill Mountains, Mount Tremper Arts supports contemporary artists in the creation and presentation of new works of art. The Mount Tremper Arts Summer Festival celebrates the contemporary arts through an integration of performances, exhibitions, artist residencies, and hybrid programming. In addition to creating a laboratory for contemporary artists, it is an increasingly popular destination venue for cultural tourism.

Hosting the Summer Festival is only part of Mount Tremper Arts’ mission; for the rest of the year, the studio hosts performing art companies in Creative Development Residencies. These residencies include 24/7 dedicated studio space and housing for periods ranging from three days to one month. Mount Tremper Arts also operates a subsidized residency program that is open to all performing art companies making contemporary work and offers affordable, dedicated workspace for intensive residency experiences. More information about residencies can be found at mounttremperarts.org/residencies.


[Photo: Mina_Nishimura © Hazuki Aikawa]

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